The laparoscopy, surgical technique to intervene making several incisions in the abdomen, twenty years ago marked a breakthrough over conventional surgery, to minimize the unpleasant effects the surgery. New techniques now allow these types of operations to be performed with a single incision in the navel. This transumbilical surgery technique is known as SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopy Surgery).
The technique consists of the introduction of the instruments through an incision of approximately two centimeters that is made in the thinnest area of
With transumbilical surgery, a very high degree of satisfaction is obtained, in this case, the surgical incision is concealed, having few aesthetic consequences for the patient, but the benefits are not only in the aesthetic advantages: the SILS means less pain, less invasion, less damage to the defenses and the immune system.
Today In selected cases, the SILS is used as the first option, resulting in an interesting technique for some pathologies, such as cholelithiasis, inguinal hernia and poorly developed acute appendicitis, being very useful at times to complement this technique with the use of mini-instruments to be able to perform more complex interventions. Always selecting patients individually.
The intervention is transumbilical and only provides advantages in terms of safety and recovery of the patient, and also significantly reduces pain. Today few techniques allow such good results. The technology and the instruments developed by the laboratories are what allow this type of advancement, and, in the case of the general and digestive surgery service of the Vistahermosa Clinic, the habit of its surgeons in advanced laparoscopic techniques.
We are talking, therefore, of a technique of recent appearance and that is developed in few hospitals, it is important to be prudent when it comes to indications, because the SILS technique, as in any new technique, is essential that it be practiced by team of trained, specialized and experienced surgeons.